联系人:张唯 女士 (业务员) |
电 话:020-32201622 |
手 机:15876552411 |
Fisher™ 1098-EGR和1098H-EGR 型减压器 |
1098-EGR 和 1098H-EGR 型减压器功能特点:
低压差应用—可在压力差低至 1 psid / 70 mbar d 的情况下执行精确的控制
运行安静—Whisper Trim™ 阀笼选项*高可降噪 30 dBa。
简单直通式维护—顶部进入式设计使得维护更加简单。 无需从管线上卸下阀体即可检查、清洁及更换阀内件。
阀体尺寸:NPS 1、2、3、4、6、8 x 6、12 x 6 / DN 25、50、80、100、150、200 x 150、300 x 150
端部连接:NPT、CL150 RF、CL300 RF、CL600 RF、CL125FF、CL250RF、BWE、SWE 或 PN 16/24/40
400 psig / 28 bar 或阀体额定限制值,以较低者为准
丁腈橡胶 (NBR):-20° 至 180°F / -29° 至 82°C
氟橡胶 (FKM):0° 至 300°F / -18° 至 149°C
乙丙橡胶 (EPR):-20° 至 275°F / -29° 至 135°C
Fisher Types 1098-EGR and 1098H-EGR regulators provide economical and accurate pressure control in a wide variety of applications; natural gas distribution systems; fuel gas supply to industrial boilers, furnaces, ovens, and mixers; and large commercial / industrial establishments such as shopping centers and schools. They are also used in plant air service and in liquid service.
Low Differential Applications—Can accurately control at pressure differentials as low as 1 psid / 70 mbar d
Precise Pressure Control—Provides stable and accurate downstream pressure control regardless of load changes or inlet pressure variations.
Quiet Operation—The Whisper Trim™ Cage option reduces noise by up to 30 dBa.
Easy In-Line Maintenance—Top entry design enables easier maintenance. Trim parts can be inspected, cleaned and replaced without removing the body from pipeline.
Absolutely No Atmospheric Bleed—Eliminates nuisance and wasteful bleed gas to atmosphere |
广州奥丽斯特燃气设备有限公司 |
电 话: |
020-32201622 |
传 真: |
020-32034306 |
移动电话: |
15876552411 |
公司地址: |
中国广东广州市广州市天河区珠吉街珠村东环路110号珠园大厦402室 |
邮 编: |
510000 |
公司主页: |
http://h2014y.qy6.com.cn( 加入收藏) |